108. Sweet is the story
Sweet is the story of the Saviour's wondrous love,
How Christ, the Lord of life and glory
Came to earth from heaven above
To seek and to save us;
His own precious life He gave,
That each sinner trusting in Him
He might freely save!
May we, this Saviour, now in simple faith receive,
And bravely own Him as our Lord,
His own assuring word believe;
Then loyally serve Him,
Gratefully His praises sing,
Grow in grace and in the knowledge
Of our Lord and King!
One day, from heaven, shall the Lord Himself appear,
The dead in Christ,
The saints then living,
Both shall meet Him in the air;
Be with Him and like Him,
From all sin and sorrow free,
And shall praise their dear Redeemer
For eternity
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