15. By the Crowd of Worshippers

  1. By the crowd of worshippers, sorry for their sins,

    Was a poor wanderer, rudely brought in.

    Scribes came and Pharisees, anxious to see.

    What the meek Nazarenes' verdict would be.

    Neither do I condemn thee, precious words divine

    From the lips of mercy, like sweetest chimes

    Wonderful words of Jesus, sing them o'er and o'er

    Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more.

  2. They told of her wanderings, making each flaw

    Spoke of her punishment, quoting the Law

    Writing upon the ground, sadly and slow

    But said he unheedingly, head bending low

  3. Still cried the Pharisees, "Pray, Master, pray

    What shall we do with her, what doth thou say?"

    Then said he rebukingly, "Let the first stone

    Come from the sinless hands, hence and alone."

  4. Cheeks flushing with the shame, turning about

    And from his presence walking slowly out

    Then saw him standing there, head bending low

    He who the world despised, bade her sin no more.

  5. Spoke he most tenderly, 'pray woman, pray

    Hast thou no accusers?" "Nay, Master, nay"

    "Neither do I condemn thee, soul sick and sore

    Go forth, I pardon thee, go and sin no more.'

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